London - the greatest city in the world! Well, at least in my mind. So is it any wonder that a record-breaking 20 candidates have thrown their hats into the ring to run for Mayor of London. Running for office isn’t risk-free and is a very thankless task. Your political enemies will try their best to smear you in every which way possible. Politics is far from pretty and with the rise of social media and the internet, it has become easier and easier to throw mud at your political opponents. On May 6th, 2021 Londoners will get a chance to put an "X" next to their first-choice candidate and an "X" next to their second choice candidate however, there will be only one winner. So who are these brave individuals that have decided to throw their hats in the ring?
I think the reason so many have decided to run for mayor is telling on how bad a job Sadiq Khan has been for London and Londoners. Without a shadow of a doubt, Sadiq Khan has been the worst Mayor of London in all its history. You might think this statement is harsh but in reality, there have been very few Mayors in London. The first Mayor appeared at the turn of the 21st Century in the year 2000. Until then London had no mayor or needed a mayor and yet here we are in 2021 frantically trying to decide who should be the Mayor of London! The position was originally held by Ken Livingstone when the role was created on 4 May 2000 until he was defeated in May 2008 by Boris Johnson, who served two terms before being succeeded by Khan. It’s a close call between who was the best - Ken or Boris but it's an easy call to say the terrorist sympathizer and defender of all things woke Sadiq Khan has not made a positive impact on the lives of Londoners.
For myself the hardest decision I’ve had to make in choosing who I will vote for is deciding between the following candidates:
I and every Londoner must make a first and second choice for Mayor.
I liked these 4 candidates because they all agreed Lockdowns were disproportionate to the risk and they all have been advocates of Free Speech. Despite Piers Corbyn being a lovely man and being one of the leaders against Lockdowns I realized I couldn’t vote for Piers Corbyn because he was just too much of a Socialist. So it is, for this reason, I'm out when it comes to Piers. However, I will keep supporting him in the work he does in speaking out against Lockdowns.
I also had to discount the incredibly strong candidate David Kurten because he turned his back on Gerard Batten when he allowed Stephen Yaxley Lennon to join UKIP. Despite never being a member of UKIP I felt this was poor politics on David Kurten's part. So this left two candidates for whom I could vote for. Laurence Fox & Brain Rose. I went in search of both candidates to see what they were all about.
I hope you managed to watch the entirety of the video and if you did you would see I failed to document Brian Rose's Manifesto. However, thanks to the power of the internet and the ability to go forward in time I managed to finally catch up with Brian Rose and document his Manifesto and ask some of the questions that have been raised along the road to trying to establish who one should be voting for.
Remember, democracy is far from the perfect system but by taking part in it at least on a local level there is hope that you may change things for the better. Please get Khan out of office! Happy Voting! #LondonMayor #Politics #LaurenceFox #BrianRose