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Writer's pictureAlex van Terheyden

The coming winter of Grievance

Winter 2021/2022 is going to take many by surprise. The masses have been good obedient citizens/subjects and obeyed their masters by getting their two jabs and some may have even taken their third jab by now. All were convinced that by submitting to the experimental gene therapy that they call a vaccine - everything will return to normality. The same belief that they all had that our precious leaders would only be locking us down 2 weeks to flatten a curve that never was.

In this article, I'm going to make some predictions on what is in store for us all. However, who am I to be making a wild prediction about something that hasn’t come to pass - am I a sorcerer or a time traveller? No, and the claims that I make today I sincerely hope won’t come to fruition. However, let’s go back to August 2020 when I wrote the article Your Leaders destroyed the Economy on purpose.... ( - what claims did I make then?

In that article (which can be found on this website) I wrote:

"The public will be incentivised globally to take up the vaccine at first, possibly rewarded with vouchers or money from the magic money tree and then suddenly you have the first social credit system outside of China. Dissidents will be outcasts from society. Their Universal Credit / Social Security payments (that many became so reliant upon as the Economy was crashed) will stop "No Jab, No Pay!" they will be told. Those looking to escape the country won't be able to escape as airlines, ferries, and train companies will refuse access unless you can show your Vaccine Passport stamp when making the booking. Your bank will then update their database with some new Financial Fraud Regulation and demand if you want to keep your account open you will have to present updated Identification. If your ID doesn't have your Vaccine your banking will be denied. Want to keep working for your employer, your employer's Insurance company will insist every employee needs to be vaccinated or that employer will lose their insurance. Life will become impossible for those who refuse to take up the vaccine. The few stragglers who remain out of the system with their stockpile of CryptoCurrency will eventually be hunted by the state as they will be declared by the obedient masses and their relevant Government as an Enemy of the state."

Let’s break that large paragraph down as it’s been well over a year since I wrote that:

  • Those looking to escape the country won't be able to escape as airlines, ferries, and train companies will refuse access unless you can show your Vaccine Passport stamp when making the booking.

  • Your bank will then update their database with some new Financial Fraud Regulation and demand if you want to keep your account open you will have to present updated Identification. If your ID doesn't have your Vaccine your banking will be denied.

  • Want to keep working for your employer, your employer's Insurance company will insist every employee needs to be vaccinated or that employer will lose their insurance. Life will become impossible for those who refuse to take up the vaccine.

  • The few stragglers who remain out of the system with their stockpile of CryptoCurrency will eventually be hunted by the state as they will be declared by the obedient masses and their relevant Government as an Enemy of the state.

    • We aren’t there yet but they are certainly demonising Crypto and trying their best to turn vaccinated on the unvaccinated. And I think truly this will only get worse as we get closer and deeper into Winter 21/22.

Remember all of this was written before there was a vaccine available. Other predictions that came to light were predicted in that article and other articles. However, many others knew what was to come as they had been paying attention to meetings at Davos, United Nations papers, UN talks and various books and interviews produced by those in charge. The elites always reveal before they carry out their plans.

Feel free to check out my past articles on the Plandemic by searching Covid on my Website or clicking this link covid - Wondering Englishman (

Why do I predict a turbulent winter 21/22?

I want to stress as I’ve always stated in all my articles on this subject that I am not a Doctor, a Scientist or a Virologist - I offer no medical advice and I sincerely hope that I will be wrong with my predictions. However, you do not need to be in any of these professions to be able to dissect scientific white papers, filter intel and analyse data.

The unvaccinated will be blamed

Along with being ostracised from society by not being able to live the same life as the vaccinated (this despite the vaccinated being just as likely to spread the virus). The unvaccinated will have the finger pointed at them by every paid talking head that they are the reasons the virus has mutated. Viruses, especially Cold viruses mutate all day long it's why there has never been a vaccine for the common cold. And yet these parasitic talking heads will ignore those scientists who suggest that the vaccines are causing the virus to actually mutate or maybe just maybe each jab is a new strain being unleashed upon the submissive population (This part I can't prove.... Yet!). The media will drum up the rabble to make the unvaccinated enemy number 1 - we will be seen as bad as ISIS in some vaccinated circles. It will be the "unvaccinated" whose lives will get more difficult. They will be fired from their jobs, turned away from airports and going out will become more and more difficult at least while there isn’t a lockdown. For when Lockdown comes back again - no one will be going out!

More vaccinated will die

The press and the committees will blame the unvaccinated for the mutant strains that will kill many and yet the public will be in denial of the fact that maybe; their natural immunity is faded because they’ve had 2-3 experimental shots injected into their bloodstream over the last 12 months. It is those who have taken the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson) I’m most concerned about. I’ve stated since day one that the pharmaceutical companies who produced RNA vaccines (Astrazeneca, Sputnik etc) were simply reacting to a problem and trying their best to provide a solution despite their solution likely being flawed, dangerous and ineffective. And yet it is those who have taken the vials of mRNA into their veins - who will be the ones whose natural immunity in the upcoming winter flu season will be at the most at risk. Big Pharma shills and talking heads will continue to stress that a spike protein that multiplies inside the body isn’t anything to be concerned with. This is despite the data that shows blood tests done on the vaccinated show blood cells sticking to each other in a similar fashion to that of cancer patients. This is despite data that shows graphene has taken over the veins of the vaccinated. And this is despite data that shows the spike protein clustering around the ovaries of women.

Spike Protein from the Pfizer vaccine Covid-19
Spike Protein Clusters around the Ovaries

In the USA you are considered unvaccinated 13 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes after that second jab. Think about that for a minute! A person will have had 2 jabs and 13 days after their second jab they are still classed as unvaccinated if they are in the hospital! Trying to get hold of accurate data in terms of those who are dying from vaccines/covid is almost impossible. It’s amazing how many died within 28 days of a Covid diagnosis and they according to the CDC were definitely covid. But if a person dies of Covid 5 weeks after their first jab they will be classed as unvaccinated and we will be told that jab had nothing to do with their death and it is simply a coincidence they died after the vaccine as people die all the time. We will continue to be told that “Any death post-vaccine is incredibly rare” despite tens of thousands of deaths being reported from the vaccines days after receiving them in global reporting systems (The Yellow Card System, The EU system, VAERS system to name but some). In 2021 at least in England, more vaccinated have died from Covid than the unvaccinated ones. Are you really going to keep on believing these gene therapies/potions are vaccines?

We’ve had the Delta Strain... Now prepare for the Deadliest of Strains...

The Masses will look to the talking heads and wonder why their vaccinated friends and family are ending up in hospitals on ventilators and then left for dead. This despite their friends and families having 2-3 jabs of the vaccine they had so much faith in. The simple truth is these were never vaccines. With a global economy that has taken on more debt than it can sustain and the worlds reserve currency, the US Dollar close to imploding the entire financial system is about to collapse. In the eyes of the Davos Elite the only way out of the financial crisis and to bring back the natural world onto a more sustainable footing - is dramatic population reduction. I’ve written in previous articles which you can find via this website, I’ve always stated this crisis was never caused by a virus. Our Leaders crashed the economy and our leaders conditioned the planet that Lockdowns were for the greater good all to make us beg for a solution. That solution came in the form of a so-called Vaccine. A vaccine so special that you would need to be coerced, threatened and forced to get it.

For most, receiving their 2-3 shots of one of the chosen experimental vaccines, they did it for the greater good or for some simply because they wanted to travel and to get their freedoms back. And yet if these vaccines are useless against the more deadly strains. Is the vaccine going to save you? Or is the vaccine, going to send you to an early grave? All because you now have a compromised immune system that is dependent on so-called boosters!

Riddling your body with anything foreign is never going to end well in the long term. I’m not an Anti-Vaxxer nor am I anti pharmaceutical drugs at least used in moderation and correctly. If a vaccine is proven to do what it says and the side effects are less than the risk of you contracting the disease then I’m all for those vaccines. The Covid Vaccines are not the same as Yellow Fever, Small Pox or the Polio vaccines. Those vaccines actually do what they are supposed to and the rewards outweigh the risks. And yet despite the mounting evidence against the Covid vaccines the public is all in when it comes to these vaccines. They would rather pump themselves full of this crap if it gets their freedoms backs.

Scientists are now admitting that these vaccines don't stop you from contracting Covid. Now more than ever is a time when you should be getting regular exercise and looking after your health with natural supplements and a healthy diet. None of this should ever be underestimated when it comes to beating the system and yet you will never hear them promote natural remedies or push the fatties into having a healthier lifestyle!

The vaccines are responsible for the following side effects

  • Arm soreness at the site of the injection (sometimes known as “COVID arm”)

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle aches

  • Headaches

  • Fever and chills

  • Swollen Lymph nodes

  • Blood clotting

  • Guillain-Barre Syndrome

  • Heart Conditions

  • Delayed Periods

  • Seizures

  • Epilepsy

  • Loss of Limbs

  • Being left handi-capped

  • Bells Palsy

  • Breathing Problems

  • Death!

These are simply some of the side effects - the list could be pages long if we really wanted to go into fine detail as millions around the world have been maimed by these vaccines. However, try and Google or search for a list of side effects today and you will be presented with pages and pages of mainstream news telling you there is no danger to these vaccines. Then ask yourself who owns the Media that is being consumed or who is sponsoring that media outlet with advertising revenue. It’s not in their interests to tell you the truth as their owners and advertisers do not want you to know the truth.

What is completely unknown are the Medium and Long Term side effects of these vaccines.

It’s my belief (and yes this is just a belief) that those who survive the vaccines will largely be made infertile. This is an agenda to depopulate the planet. The Elite are sick of the consumers and in an almost “Children of Men” Scenario; few babies will be born in the coming future. However, this will be the least of the survivor’s worries as they will have born witness to the Technocratic takeover of the planet where only the Technocrats have a say in Global matters as everyone else left will be treated like serfs, fully aware, they are the less than 1 billion on the planet that once almost peaked at 8 billion.

In the coming Winters over the course of the next 5 years, we will see the vaccinated dropping like flies. The boosters that will keep being pushed will over time compromise the immune systems of those who took the jabs. Winter flu season will be passed off as the new deadly strain of Covid. They will call the next one Covid-21 and then for those lucky enough to survive that will witness Covid-23. And yet it will be the vaccines that are really killing everyone by compromising their immune systems. In 2020, Pneumonia, Flu & Bronchitis were being palmed off along with every motorcycle death as Covid-19. In 2021 this has remained true except in 2021 many of the deaths are from the vaccines and the mutated virus, but instead, it’s all being called Covid. The build-up of neglected patients by those health care providers the masses clapped for can't be underestimated when it comes to the ticking timebomb of deaths that are now filtering through the system. People who 10 years ago would have lived to way past 80 are now going to meet a far earlier death due to the missed diagnoses by their Doctors, who will only see them on Zoom, rather than face to face. Historians will look back on this period of human history with shock, awe and total disgust. They will wonder how billions of people were taken into a plan of so few. They will wonder how Global Governments were all manipulated to send their population to an early grave and they will either be very much impressed or revolted about how the financial system was saved with the planned crisis conspiracy theorists have titled the Plandemic. The winners are the writers of history - whether or not evidence of this criminality is revealed to our future human selves in 1000 years is questionable. So many wrongs of our past are glossed over or simply ignored. This blip in human history may save the Bio-Diversity of the planet but it will fundamentally alter the paths of the many who will be forever the serfs of the few.

Stay strong and stay healthy mentally and physically and if you appreciate my content please do check out my contact page that gives you access to all the ways you can reach me and support my work. Keep the faith and never surrender to these tyrants!


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2 commenti

Philip Neil Larmett
Philip Neil Larmett
07 set 2021

Well, you've really gone out on a limb this time, Alex. You state that you are not anti-vaxxer, but then you write at length all the possible side effects that can be, or may have been, attributed to one or other of the Covid vaccines available. You've advanced the conspiracy theory that a Davos elite is about to reduce the global population; by positing that one of the side effects of the vaccine might be sterilisation. You have predicted that the next waves of Covid will just be flu, but with high numbers of deaths due to compromised immune systems, and that the vaccine is the cause of this. Is this why you came to Ukraine? To escape the (pressure to get a)…

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Alex van Terheyden
Alex van Terheyden
07 set 2021
Risposta a

Philip - thanks for commenting and engaging in the post. Like I say I'm not anti vaccines I'm simply against these vaccines as all the data I'm currently seeing shows them to far more dangerous than the benefit they bring. Israel is case in point with how vaccines are impacting the population. I knew the NWO was going to try and turn the world into a hunger games society. I will not submit and if it restricts my travel - so be it. However, I think many are waking up to how useless Vaccines are. Portugal just opened the borders to the unvaccinated. Remember I'm hoping I'm wrong about all my predictions......

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